Friday, August 29, 2008

Not As Far Along As We Thought!

Well, My Dr. appointment was today, and it was quite an experience. I really like the office, (I had never been there before) the ladies were really nice, and everyone was very helpful. They gave me paperwork for the lab work, (which was conveniently down the hall from the Dr.. office) that went well considering I had EIGHT viles of blood taken. I am so glad that kind of stuff doesn't bother me! Then it was back to the office.
I met with the NP, I told her when my last . was and she calculated the same time that I did, almost seven weeks. Then it was on to the get a sonogram. she showed us a picture of what it is suppose to look like and then she gelled me up and started looking, and looking and looking. On a side note, I have had this fear that I go in and get all the tests done, and they tell me that I'm not pregnant, and it's all in my head. I'm really weird. But this, in my mind was solidifying my fears. Then she showed my a little black nothing in the screen and said, "Do you see it?" and we said yes. My mind went to an episode I saw of friends when Rachel was getting her sonogram, and they asked her if she saw is and she said yes, then the Dr. left, and she started crying saying she didn't see it. The NP said that I am not 7 weeks, and has asked my what kind of symptoms I have had. My mind started to go blank, I told her the usual, feeling sick, really tired, and then I looked at Jon with a, help me out here, and the first thing he blurted out was, "Your boobs." I think I terned a dozen shades of red. The nurse started laughing so hard, and I felt a little better after that.
I will have my next appointment on the 25th, so we'll see how far along I am then.


The Hanes Fam said...

Yup, we weren't as far along as we thought at that first appointment too. I got pushed back a week based on the ultrasound. And I had the same fears of not actually being pregnant - it's totally normal. I kept thinking I was going to be so embarrassed when they told me I wasn't pregnant, but then devasted when they told me I had some weird disease giving me all the same symptoms. Oh, the things pregnancy will do to you! I think you're about right on track to be due at the same time Harper was born. So excited to go on this journey with you!

JenLyn said...
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Kristin said...

The same thing happened to me. I was 2 weeks behind what I thought. When I saw only a black sac on the sonogram I was not quite 5 weeks yet. At 6 weeks you can see a blinking dot in the sac which is the heart beat. It makes you really think about the tests these days. They are getting so good at detecting early pregnancy. I am glad you liked the office. I hope everything stays smooth for you.

Jenni and Adam said...

I love that Friends episode...its so funny...well I'm glad you're still pregnant and I can't wait to find out if it is a boy or a girl...

Darcy said...

How exciting!! The first of many, many doctor appointments!!! Glad it went well!