Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Adah = 5 Months

Photo by Debbie Ives

On Monday our little Adah Jean turned 5  months old! I am in awe of how she has grown and matured over the last few months. She is such a blessing to us, and we love her more than we could have ever imagined.

 She is rolling all over the place, and when placed on her belly she starts rocking. She can sit up for long periods of time. I never leave her side while she is doing that. It makes me nervous. She is always amazed by her voice, and I think she is going to be gifted in singing, because when i sing to her, she stops everything to listen and has a look on her face like she is trying to do it herself. We shall see! 

 She was sleeping mostly through the night (waking once to eat and going back to bed) but she is now waking twice, and getting up earlier. I thin it might be her teeth bothering her. :(

 She is really social. I guess that's what comes with being in ministry and being around people all the time. She doesn't mind people holding her. But Daddy, and I have the hold that she loves most of all!

 We went to bible study in Irvine Thursday night and put her in the nursery. Daddy had a harder time with it than I did. 

 Everyday is such a blessing with our little girl. She is so fun and full of life, and we can't wait to see her pull that energy into a relationship with Jesus!


Unknown said...

I love what you wrote Alyssa! She is beautiful and I am sure she will have a beautiful voice to sing to Jesus just like her mommy! I am blessed to see you and Jon so blessed! Hope to see you soon! Ashlee :)

Teri Timar said...

She is beautiful and this is a great photo.

Christie said...

She's so adorable!!