Monday, September 8, 2008

So So Week

 Well, morning sickness has hit full force. I am constantly feeling sick in some way or another, but this my forth full day of feeling sick 24/7. Also, I feel like I can't get anything done because of the fatigue, the only thing that I am getting done is laundry because I can do it over a long period of time. I tried to clean the living room this morning, but it was left half done, and me left feeling completely done.
  I am glad we are painting our kitchen, it needed to be done, but it is taking so much longer than we anticipated. It can only be done on Jon's days off, so that leaves Tuesdays, and Thursdays the only days when it can be done. I am so over it because all the kitchen counter top things are all in the living room which is driving me crazy because I want everything to be in it's place. Poor Jon, he is really taking my uneasiness really well, considering that I am the one that wanted all this done in the first place.
 On other news, I have lost my phone in all the madness of painting the kitchen. I always Church it next to the microwave, and ever since all that has been moved, my phone is MIA. I have a lot of friends that only have my cell #, so if you are one of those friends I am truly sorry. I am looking for it everywhere! I cant call it though because the battery is dead by now. I am so frustrated and can't even put it into words. I really hope next week is a little better.

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